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Choisir une housse de couette

Si vous avez déjà examiné des housses de couette en ligne, vous savez qu'il existe une variété étonnante d'options. Vous pouvez styliser votre couette de multiples façons, des neutres apaisants aux motifs géométriques audacieux, des imprimés bohémiens aux dernières tendances. Mais acheter une housse de couette est-il aussi simple que de choisir un style qui correspond à votre chambre (et votre personnalité??) Quels autres facteurs devez-vous prendre en compte?

Nous vous avons préparé ce guide d'achat rapide :


Malheureusement, il n'existe pas de taille standard internationale pour les inserts et les housses de couette. Il est important de comparer les dimensions de la housse avec celles de votre couette. La couette se déforme et se froisse si sa housse est trop petite, et peut se déplacer dans une très grande housse. Une housse de couette doit être de 1 à 2 po plus large que l'intérieur de la couette sur tous les côtés. Par exemple, si l'insert de votre couette mesure 64" x 86", la housse ne doit pas dépasser 68" x 90", après lavage. À moins que la housse de couette ne soit prélavée, vous devez envisager un rétrécissement. Vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que votre housse de couette rétrécisse de 1 à 3 % après le premier lavage. Les housses 100% coton rétrécissent plus que les mélanges de coton, et plus le nombre de fils de la housse est faible, plus vous pouvez vous attendre à un rétrécissement.

Soin et entretien

Vous cherchez une housse de couette qui puisse être facilement lavée avec le reste de votre literie? Vérifiez les instructions d'entretien sur la housse pour éviter de devoir la laver séparément ou de la faire nettoyer à sec. Les housses de couette 100% coton peuvent être froissées après le lavage. Si vous désirez une housse que vous n'aurez pas à repasser, optez pour un mélange de coton.

Fréquence d'utilisation

Utiliserez-vous la même housse de couette toute l'année? Si c'est le cas, choisissez une couverture en coton pour des températures de sommeil idéales tout au long de l'année. Investissez dans une housse de haute qualité (comme le coton égyptien) qui résistera à une utilisation prolongée et à de nombreux lavages. Recherchez un solide neutre ou un très petit motif qui se lit comme un solide pour un look classique qui ne se démodera pas.

Si vous préférez changer votre housse de couette à intervalles réguliers pour un nouveau look, vous pouvez oser plus en style et en motif. Envisagez d'acheter des couvertures avec des tissus de saison. Une housse de couette en velours ou en flanelle convient pour l'hiver, tandis qu'une housse en lin léger et qui respire est idéale pour l'été.

12 commentaires

Housse de couette en contour de boite afin que la couette puisse “gonfler”. Comment les “contours de la boite” ne s’affaissent-ils pas. C’est comme si les dimensions finales de la housse étaient tout simplement 4 pouces de plus que la couette, non? Ou je ne comprends pas le fonctionnement de ce design peut-être ?

Marie-Marthe Veilleux

Bonjour Marie-Marthe, Elles peuvent s’affaisser légèrement selon la couette. De nombreuses couettes mesureront plus de 4 pouces une fois gonflées. De plus, ce sont des housses en coton, qui devraient rétrécir d’environ 2 % au lavage, de sorte qu’elles serreront un peu plus la couette après le lavage.

Canadian Down & Feather Company

I bought a queen size down duvet from your company, in early 2023, or late 2022. The duvet is everything I wanted in a duvet, wonderful product. I read on your website that you now have duvet covers that have a 3 sided zipper, a wonderful improvement. My duvet does not have the corner ribbons to clip the cover hold the duvet in place. Is there a way to retrofit this piece, do you sell them? This would make it so much easier to insert my duvet, and keep it in place.

Orla Myrfield

Hi Orla, I’m surprised to hear that! All of our duvets come with corner loops. If yours is missing the loops, it would qualify for a repair under warranty. Please fill out a warranty claim on our website and we would be happy to take the product back and attach the loops for you.

Canadian Down & Feather Company

Could you post the exact dimensions in inches of the respective sizes, ie: Twin, Queen, etc?


Hi Rob, If you’re wondering about industry-wide standard sizes, I’m afraid those don’t exist :( That would be too easy! As for our sizes, you can find them posted on our Standard Dimensions page and on every product page.

Canadian Down & Feather Company

I have just watched your ad on CHCH TV and I’m am interested in purchasing a duvet cover that you advertised, the 3 sided opening, tabs in the corners. I can’t seem to find them on your web site.

Pat Klingender

Hi Pat, If you’re on desktop, click ‘Covers’ in the top menu. If you’re on mobile, click the 3 lines in the top left to pop out the menu and then click ‘Covers & Cases’. Alternatively, click the magnifying glass to search for ‘Duvet Cover’. Here's the link.

Canadian Down & Feather Company

Recherche une housse de couette légère et douce. J’ai acheté une housse de couette en bambou que je croyais légère mais malheureusement elle a doublé le poids de ma couette. Je recherche une housse très légère quel matériel me conseillez-vous????

Richard Isabel

Bonjour Richard, Nous recommandons 100% coton, qui doit être léger et respirant. Nous vendons des housses en coton, mais il existe également de nombreuses autres options sur le marché !

Canadian Down & Feather Company

Also looking for a king xl as a surprise for my wife. Can’t find any duvet covers that fit. Can you point me in the right direction?

Derek Zandt

Hi Derek,

Thank you for your interest in our products! Try widening your search to look for covers ranging from 106 x 96 to 114 x 104! Try also searching for the terms Oversized King, Texas/Wyoming/Alberta King, etc. We're also happy to send you some links.

We have our own duvet covers that fit our duvets precisely, but we understand that the selection is limited and you may be looking for a colour, pattern or material we don't carry!

Canadian Down & Feather Company

Planning to buy a goose down duvet from you, but hesitant to purchase from you, until I know for certain that I can actually purchase a cover for the XL-Queen size for sure. If I knew for certain that it would not be a major problem, I would buy right now, but I know that you say it is not very difficult to buy one, but, you are absolutely wrong in stating that. It is a major task to find the correct size. you should add these to your line of products.

w. evans

Please supply a list of places I can find a duvet cover for my recently purchased duvet from you. It measures 78 × 88. Thank you.

Patti Hill

Hi Patti,

Thank you for your interest in our products! Try widening your search to look for covers ranging from 74 x 84 to 82 x 92! Try also searching for the terms 'double' and 'full', as either may be used depending on the brand. We're also happy to send you some links.

We have our own duvet covers that fit our duvets precisely, but we understand that the selection is limited and you may be looking for a colour, pattern or material we don't carry!

Canadian Down & Feather Company

I’ve bought your King duvet cover. I love the warmth but I’m struggling to find duvet covers that fit that duvet size. Is it possible to get some links for companies sell the right size duvet covers?

Phoebe Knight

Hi Phoebe,

Thank you for your interest in our products! Our King duvets are 102 x 90". Try widening your search to look for covers ranging from 98 x 86 to 106 x 94! We're also happy to send you some links.

We have our own duvet covers that fit our duvets precisely, but we understand that the selection is limited and you may be looking for a colour, pattern or material we don't carry!

Canadian Down & Feather Company

I agree with the comment above. I want your XL king duvet but I cannot find a cover online anywhere that will fit that size. Help please.

Beth Beattie

Hi Beth,

Absolutely! We’re happy to help you find something and will send you some links. You may want to widen your search a bit. A duvet cover can be a few inches different than the duvet and still fit just fine. There's no standard sizing across the industry, but luckily these are flexible, malleable products that are pretty forgiving.

We do now (as of November 2022) sell our own duvet covers too!

Canadian Down & Feather Company

I was going to purchase your xl duvet, but decided to look for a cover first you be sure I could find one. Anyway I looked for HOURS online and they DO NOT make one in that size! You said sell them for clients.

Kail McCullagh

Hi Kail, Thank you so much for your interest in our products. The XL sizes are less common and harder to find, but they’re definitely out there! Have you checked Amazon and the like? Note that a cover doesn't have to be the exact same dimensions as a duvet to fit. A few inches here or there will be just fine!

We do now (as of November 2022) carry our own duvet covers that fit our duvets precisely.

Canadian Down & Feather Company

why don’t you list dimensions of duvet inserts. How am I supposed to buy a duvet cover that fits? BTW, if you aren’t going to make or sell duvet covers, you should at least link to a supplier that you recommend (with dimensions). Your narrowly defined products look great (and I just purchased) but you should vertically integrate a bit to make the customer experience easier. i.e. I would have bought a duvet cover from you even if you were just reselling with a markup.

Alex Ryer

Hi Alex, Thank you so much for your order! :) The dimensions of our products are listed in a few places around the site. Each product page has dimensions listed - click Dimensions & Fill Weights. We also have a dedicated page for dimensions called Standard Dimensions. Finally, we address product dimensions in our Help Center / FAQ section! I hope this helps :)

We do now (as of November 2022) make duvet covers! Prior to that, our resources were dedicated to our specialty - down and feather products! There are still many sellers of duvet covers on the market if ours aren't quite right for you!

Canadian Down & Feather Company

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